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Why Choose Minerium Pool?Our Advantages

Intelligent Autonomous Control System

Take full control over your miners without ever touching your miner.


Minerium is a professional business registered under USA law. Our goal is to provide a memorable customer experience.

IWRP - Individual Worker Reward Percentage

We will reward individual block maker with some percentage of whatever mined.

Flexible Payouts

Convert any currency to any other currency easily and fully automated. Get Payouts in almost every currency we have listed.

Frequent Payouts

With our payouts being processed every 15 minutes, You never have to wait long for your crypto to reach your wallet.

Convenient Management

Easy registration, user-friendly interface, miners grouping, independent alarm function, revenue address, and more.

Revenue Assurance

The Cutting-edge Minerium Smart Pool function ensure user's ultra-high revenue and punctual payment without any obstacles.

Advanced Monitoring

Supervise how your miners work in time & minimize losses caused by connection issues or mining failures.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

We are proud that we are using the Amazon servers to prevent any problems to reach our servers at any time.

About Minerium

Minerium + AWS

We are proud that we are using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) to prevent any problems to reach our servers at any time.

Are You Ready?Start Mining

The registration process is simple and you can start mining in a minute.

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You Need More?VIP Solutions

Do you run a large-scale mining operation? Minerium pool has the highest standard of customized VIP services and the top researchers analyze cases person to person in the industry.

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Get Answers to The MostFrequently Asked Questions

  • What is SOLO mining?

    Solo mining is when a miner performs the mining operations alone without joining a pool. All mined blocks are generated to the miner’s credit.

  • What is Smart mining?

    Smart mining means that we can switch the hash rate to other currencies of the same algorithm at our mining pools without changing the configuration of the miner.

    For example: If we found BCH’s earnings are relatively high these days when we are mining BTC, the automated intelligent system changes currency mining accordingly. Under these circumstances, you don’t have to modify the mining address and miners of each miner, you just need to choose smart mining from the top menu.

  • What is Pooled Mining?

    Pooled mining “pools” all of the resources of the clients in that pool to generate the solution to a given block. When the pool solves a block, the rewards generated by that block’s solution are split and distributed between the pool participants.

  • What are the mining fee and Tx fee?

    When users mine on the Minerium pool, they should pay the mining fee to the Minerium pool. When users send a transaction to others via bitcoin, they should pay a transaction fee to other workers.

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